Showing posts with label Balinese Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Balinese Culture. Show all posts

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ngaben- Cremation Ceremony in Katik Lantang Village- Ubud

Ngaben is a Hindu cremation ceremony in Bali, Indonesia. Ngaben event is a ritual performed to send the bodies to the next life. Bodies should be put asleep, and the families left behind will always think so (sleep). There is no tears, because the body is temporarily absent and will undergo reincarnation or find the last resting or moksha (freedom from the wheel of death and reincarnation.

Cow/ Bull are not only animal that is used as a vehicle for cremation, but also sometimes there are other forms of animals such as fish, tiger, elephants, dragons. All of these animals symbolize different clan / family stream.

The villagers brought the bull and other forms of animals with shouting excitedly.

At each intersection, they will rotate three times to confuse evil spirits, so do not follow them to the grave.

Ngaben in the village is done once every five years, in katik lantang - Ubud heald on July 23th 2010. So these events are quite rare for most people, so it deserves if the atmosphere and knick-knacks Ngaben in immortalized by the camera. Seemed the two little girls who pose in front of a bull for a remembrance.
Dragon as one of the forms of animals as a vehicle to heaven

Appropriate day for this event is always discussed with people who understand. On this day, the body placed in coffin-bodies to die. Chest-die sarcophagus was placed inside a container like a bull or in the form of temples, made of wood and paper. Form of a bull or monastery was taken to the cremation place through a procession. The procession was not running on a straight road. This is in order to confuse evil spirits and keep him away from the body.

Ngaben highlight the overall structure is burning (bull or monasteries made of wood and paper), along with the corpses. The fire needed to liberate the spirit from the body and eases the reincarnation.

Ngaben not always be done immediately. For members of high caste, it is very reasonable to perform this ritual within three days. But for members of lower castes, the body first buried and then cremated few years later on collective / mass cremation. (source wikipedia)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tenganan, Desa adat yang teguh - Tenganan, villages with a strong culture

Tenganan, a village of Bali's oldest and original that stands firmly between two hills in the region of Karangasem. The village is so firmly hold the customary norms that are passed from generation to generation.
Tenganan village who maintain tradition and culture are need to follow become an to save, preserve, and maintain the customs, culture, and identity of the Balinese people not to fade and disappear replaced by foreign culture that damaging. Indigenous culture that still maintained its continuity is now bringing sweet fruit of the tourism industry. Those who live by the result of natural hazards can now sell souvenirs such as traditional fabrics called "Kain Pageringsingan" and statue, also traditional painting from palm leaves.
The photographers had come to capture the nature and culture. Spred trought the world and create more and more tourists flocked to see Tenganan Village, including my self.

Selain sebagai wedding photograper/ prewedding photographer, saya juga sangat tertarik untuk hunting Kegiatan budaya, salah satunya adalah Perang pandan di desa Tenganan.
Tenganan, sebuah desa tertua dan asli bali itu beridiri kokoh diatara dua bukit di daerah Karangasem. Desa ini begitu memegang teguh norma-norma adat yang diwariskan secara turun temurun. keteguhan desa Tenganan didalam mempertahankan adat dan budaya perlu kita tiru untuk menyelamatkan, melestarikan, dan mempertahankan adat, budaya, dan jati diri kita sebagai orang Indonesia agar tidak luntur tergantikan budaya asing yang negatif dan cenderung merusak.
Budaya asli yang masih terjaga dengan baik kini berbuah manis dalam bidang pariwisata. mereka yang hidup dari hasil alam kini bisa berjualan suvenir seperti kain Pageringsingan, patung, dan lukisan daun lontar.
Para fotografer pun berdatangan dan mengabadikan keunikan desa Tenganan dan menyebarkannya keseluruh dunia. Sehingga membuat para turis semakin berbodong-bondong datang ingin menyaksikan sendiri keunikan desa Tenganan, termasuk saya.

Nice quiet village

Simple activity, taking water from water resources

Come home with Victory

Village Woman sat stunned

Village Woman sat stunned

Village girls with umbrella

Grandmother and her beloved grandchild

Village man's activity with pig and fire.

Cocking time

Cocking time

Woman prepare the offering

Sacred buffalo belongs to the village

An interest tourist

Son and father with their champ

A man with cock

Stressful time for children, prepare for the Pandan fight

painful picthing

Fight with samile

Special color edition only for showing the blood.


Tourists also joined

Too emotional

No hard feeling after the fight

Too little infomation that I can show you. Please visit the Village by your self. The Pandan fight only once every one year, between June and July. Cheers...